Rebelle Society

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My Body Is Awesome, And So Is Yours.

Politicians and the like will try to legislate and regulate your body. They will debate your reproductive rights and create laws to govern your uterus and your ovaries. Last year alone, politicians tried to regulate women's bodies 468 times. Do you want to know how many times they tried to  ...

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She Moves In Mysterious Ways: Letting Go Of The Gavel.

He moves in mysterious ways... unless you are the He who knows the deeply-buried secret of generations of familial abuse. He knows that he must leave in order to repair the primal scars to his nervous system, and to feel whole again. He knows he will be judged by others for turning his back on  ...

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When You’re Happy And You (Don’t) Know It…

You look at yourself, and realize that while you were busy entrusting the Universe with your happiness, the Universe, in all its wisdom, had been busy setting up these tests to make sure you can actually implement all that you’ve been observing along the way, and not just being theoretically  ...

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you & me

The Boys & Girls Who Lived.

So here we are, in the dark of the night, swimming in the moon rays. Here we all are -- you, me, the Boys and Girls Who Lived, carrying, always, the last living fragments of our own attempted murderers, and remembering, if we can, that it is not our abilities that make us who we are, but our choices.

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