Rebelle Society

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Summits. {poetry}

Summits. They are always just beyond the next ridge. Just beyond this next heartache. Just beyond the unbearable loneliness. Just beyond the empty loss.

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Struggling With My Cloak Of Guilt.

A cloak of guilt hangs down upon my shoulders, heavy and dark; it is a constant reminder. Clouds of sadness and regret hide in every corner, ready to pounce and diminish joy, or push tears to the surface at inappropriate and inopportune times. Must every activity for the remainder of my life be  ...

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Womb World: A Bedtime Fable For Adults. {fiction}

Somehow, some-when, the world had been reversed, and here she was, alone with the recognition that she, and the rest of civilization, was fastened to the ceiling. If only they could recognize this, together, as a whole, as a human collective, every man, woman, child, forming a thing with fins  ...

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you & me

The Spaces Of Loneliness.

We won’t forget the unrelatable moments of emptiness. When the freedom we had once brandished as a flag turned into a freezing sword of guilt, of having left what we once had. When the fog around us got too thick, too thick to see anything, when fear knocked back on our doors, to suck all our  ...

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you & me

The Boys & Girls Who Lived.

So here we are, in the dark of the night, swimming in the moon rays. Here we all are -- you, me, the Boys and Girls Who Lived, carrying, always, the last living fragments of our own attempted murderers, and remembering, if we can, that it is not our abilities that make us who we are, but our choices.

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