Rebelle Society

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Padhia Avocado


Step Into the Freedom of Becoming Storyless.

The mind will panic and shout stories about who you are and why. It will demand that you identify yourself using words. It’s an adjustment, losing the fixation on the psychology behind yourself, and it feels like intentionally going blind, but you will discover how much more you can actually  ...

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you & me

Can We Use Hatred as the Gateway to Forgiveness?

Truth is, I have always been confused about how to force myself to feel compassion and love for someone if what I am truly feeling is hate. You can’t feel both at once. And trying to force myself to feel love and compassion instead of my honest feelings seems tantamount to using skim milk to  ...

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Choose Your Fate: The Gifts of Low Self-Esteem.

At a certain point, I realized I was in no way heading in any direction towards feeling any sense of self-love or deserving, and I got really fucking mad. Is this my fate that was laid out for me? Some kind of sentence I must serve? Should I just accept that this is the limitation of my  ...

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