Rebelle Society

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you & me

Your Vulnerability Is Your Superpower.

Man, your emotions do not weaken you. They increase your worth, and provide you energy to do your daily tasks. They are your strength. Woman, your vulnerability and sensitive side are not your detriments. They are your superpower. Do not use tactics and manipulation to avoid them, you are not  ...

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She Moves In Mysterious Ways: Letting Go Of The Gavel.

He moves in mysterious ways... unless you are the He who knows the deeply-buried secret of generations of familial abuse. He knows that he must leave in order to repair the primal scars to his nervous system, and to feel whole again. He knows he will be judged by others for turning his back on  ...

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you & me

How To Love A Sagittarius.

We are intense in everything that we do, this includes brooding. We will scare you and you will not understand where we’ve disappeared to, what deep chasm within ourselves we’ve slipped into to find solitude and room to expand; where we find the silence to think. Love us there, in that dark  ...

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Asperger’s From The Inside.

We have spent our lives feeling like we landed on the wrong planet, like our very nature is not suited to this world, like every glance our way is looking for what is wrong with us, why we are different. And all we want, is all that anybody wants. To be okay. For our voices to be heard; even if  ...

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