Rebelle Society

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The Sweet Side Of Rejection.

I think passionate people may be some of the most prejudiced people. We live in a culture where being jaded, bored and not caring is the ultimate in coolness. If you like someone, don’t ask him/her out... no, wait at least 4-5 days. We are trained to be emotional minimalists. Caring is  ...

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I Want This. {poetry}

I think that today we, as women, are so caught up in both gaining and maintaining our independence that we neglect the other areas of our life that are equally important, like romance.

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The Hard Romance Of Grief.

She says suffering proves the depth of my love. I tell her to “Stuff it. I don’t need to prove anything to you!” She whacks me in the head. I call her names, she calls me worse. I apologize. It’s this way with us. But I could use less drama.

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Stop Fucking And Return To Romance.

I am a romantic and quite an old-fashioned one. I probably would’ve been best-suited for the days of Jane Austen and the Victorian-esque style of all things desire and love. Though the clash therein would’ve been in the sense that I am way too headstrong and would’ve had issue with the  ...

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