Rebelle Society

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The Dance of Turning Poison into Medicine.

I lasted half a day of dance classes on the first day. The second day, I lasted less than 90 minutes. Not only did walking on gentle sand feel like sharp gravel between the skin of my soles and fascia, but the vision in my good eye was deteriorating into the kind of blur you’d need Coke-bottle  ...

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An Empath’s Journey of Rebirth.

So why do I beat myself up? Why don’t I allow the release? As a healer, I know that you must release to receive, and you must open and heal in order to live a more fulfilling and powerful life. But I am also human, and most definitely living a human existence with human emotions. I’m no saint!  ...

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Primum Non Nocere (First, Do No Harm).

In a culture where we are meant to present this glistening image of ourselves or else hide away in the shadows, where we are meant to 'keep calm and carry on', where stoicism, perfectionism and progressive success reign supreme, I say, show us your tears, your anguish, your grief, you  ...

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Who Are You Trying To Be?

I believe that at our core is Love, but in many people there’s a thickly layered protective encasing made up with fear-based complexities: insecurities, unworthiness, self-judgment, self-loathing even, embarrassment, shame, guilt, horror at shadow self -- many, many unnecessary entrapments that  ...

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