Rebelle Society

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Sid and His Five Ascetic Friends. {fiction}

A single raindrop plops into the dark water. Sid isn’t Sid anymore. The moon sets, and Sid lifts his eyes. Venus, the Morning Star, a brilliant flickering ember racing toward the horizon. Speechless, the mystery decloaks and stands naked in the mirror; his question has been answered.

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What Is Healing?

To me, healing is to walk around the world not feeling like you have a big fat open gaping wound in the middle of your body, saying 'Here I am. I have been hurt, and I am open and vulnerable to be hurt again'. It is not feeling like there is something wrong with you for having suffered what you  ...

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Depression: Marauder Of The Mind.

I know now. I know what it is and what it feels like, for lack of a lovelier way of finding out. Sadness is not the same as emptiness. Mind over matter only works with a mind that works too. This is how it feels: One by one, like a leak, things start to fall out of the soul. Hobbies. Family and  ...

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