Rebelle Society

Browsing Tag:

Tracy Stamper


Grieving Under an Invisibility Cloak.

It seems to me that the cloak of invisibility worn by those invisibly grieving is no less than a superhero’s cape. While tossing and turning on mourning’s high seas, it can take Herculean strength to simply get out of bed some days. It can take immense strength to acknowledge that one must amp  ...

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The Discord of Dancing with Not-Enoughness.

Moving with wind, swaying with breeze, I gazed up at skies and trees. I danced. I danced my feet into the earth. My base claimed my space. My hips held me as I freed my heart and danced in the art of my garden. Birds’ songs danced along with my song as I whistled and worked in my garden. I  ...

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Spitfire, Sass & My Imaginary Friend.

This private joke was going to stay private. I didn’t want my colleagues, bosses, or those I see at my son’s school, while wearing my mom clothes, to know about Stacy. Stacy’s profile went live. She started receiving friend requests and strange private messages. Gulp! Facebook had changed the  ...

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