Rebelle Society

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Brave Rebels: Facing the Holidays with Healthy Defiance.

I’m all for crossing the gaps and building bridges over the wide divides. However, this Thanksgiving dinner may, for many, be a bit premature and not the right forum. It all depends on your family, the group dynamics at the party, and the loose cannons present who may make it hard for others to  ...

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you & me

Are You Aware of Your Empath Triggers?

Stop at least once an hour if you can, ground yourself first and just check in with your body. Is there an ache or pain? Feelings of overwhelm? Something that just wasn’t there before? The only way to realize this is to stop and pay attention to what your body is telling you. Are you mindful of  ...

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Add More Gratitude to Your Life.

Gratitude is an interesting concept. It’s one of those qualities that everyone accepts you should do, but that we rarely talk about how to do. It’s sort of like saying you should live in the moment. It’s easy advice to give, but you’ll rarely hear people explain how they actually live in the moment.

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you & me

I Chose What ‘Me’ Is.

My dad leaving, in no exaggeration, ripped a part out of my core. I have spent years focusing on stitching that gap. Therapy, Yoga, isolation from any friendship or relationship that triggers unwanted feelings. What I did not focus on is, when my mind wanders to that forest of doubt and  ...

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you & me

Learning To Love Your Shadow.

We all have things about ourselves that we don’t particularly like. But if we can look at those parts of us and understand why they’re there, we can see why we’re triggered in certain situations, and start to free ourselves from the unconscious patterns that we otherwise play out over and over again.

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