Rebelle Society

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39 Things I Believe When It All Seems Unreal.

My list started small and kept growing and will continue to grow. This space of calm is like the wingspan of a great blue heron, gliding across the stillness of a channel. It expands and releases and touches, creating ripples to the four corners of a universal web. Our effort to keep pushing  ...

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you & me

A Loving Pledge To Smarten The Fuck Up.

Don’t lie to yourself. There’s an entire world of people waiting to lie to you. Don’t do their job for them. Be your own voice of reason. Be your own truth. Listen to your truth. It’s there, waiting. It won’t go away, but it will get frustrated.

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What is Faith: Lessons in Intention and Abundance

Right now I, for the second time in my life, am learning how to pray. As I reflect on my previous incarnation as a little girl sitting at the right hand of my mother, prayer was terrible and frightening. She had a fever for the Pentecostal tradition that caused her to yell out Hallelujah during  ...

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