Rebelle Society

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you & me

We Truly Understand with Love.

We can read so many books, and quote so many wise words from other people, but we can only truly understand if the words resonate with our own heart. If we have looked at ourselves and our experiences with love and compassion. And when we’ve forgiven ourselves for taking a wrong turn. And  ...

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Engulfed In The Beauty Of Becoming.

No one would know a tree had in it the secret power of becoming, this arduous task to burst into grace. No one questioned its tumultuous process of arriving, regal garlands growing in its hair. No one would think months ago a tree would be born anew. But this season has always come. There is a  ...

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The Fairy Tale We Dream Of Is Now.

As soon as you stop carving through the caverns of your soul, trying to find something more, the world, and all of its high hopes and searches for meaning, will simply cease to exist. We will walk around, empty shells under the palm trees of delusion that this picture of paradise is all we have  ...

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you & me

The Extraordinary Fire Of Being Alive.

There are women who eat stars for breakfast. They stay awake, or don’t sleep at all, simply because there is no use when life is consistently panoramic and kaleidoscopic, and it’s like Fellini’s in the other room never yelling Cut, and maybe John Waters pulled the wool over your eyes because  ...

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This Is For You, Gypsy Soul.

For the souls who have remembered -- the souls who felt there is a mission in their lives and don’t tremble to take the steps their brave hearts dictate. This is for the rainbow kids who have grown, and who walk the earth from the four directions with joyful hearts and clear eyes.

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you & me

Light Up Your Grieving Heart.

We are walking hand in hand, my little legs pumping to keep up with his. “How fast can you go? Show me how fast we can go.” He liked to walk fast; New Yorkers walk fast, they just do. I am counting cracks in the sidewalk and hopping over them just like the rhyme says to do. We make a right, and  ...

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Being Raw & Vulnerable With The Wolf At The Door.

Courage moves through the chaos, one steady step at a time. Your heartache is like a free fall. You can scramble to fill the void, grabbing for whatever fix you can to numb the jagged edges. You can also persevere with quiet dignity. In every moment there are choices, even in survival mode.

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