Rebelle Society

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Truths from Standing Rock Camp.

Native Americans have lived a culture that links them intimately to Mother Earth. Their prayers align with Her. They know Her, therefore they can understand when She needs protecting and honoring, when enough really is enough. Everyone should listen to their advice on how to proceed into the  ...

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Waves of Caring from Afar.

The rise of each wave until reaching its full height to crash and rumble as the ocean pulled back the water and started again. For forty-five minutes, the ocean showed me how to allow feelings of fear and sadness to grow in intensity, until they crashed, let go and released. Emotions --  ...

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Get Wet: Crash with Force into Your Purpose.

I often envision catching the tears of others in a beautiful bowl, and when the crying is done, I throw the tears to the heavens. They fly like diamond-drops to the angels, who grasp them and transform them into light. The angels beam that light right back into the original hearts. The heart is  ...

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archives, you & me

My Tree and Bearer Of Water: Mama, I See You.

{source} Mama, I see you. And in you I see me because I am you and came from you. In the parts of myself I’ve pushed away with relentless strength, I see you too; my mirror and my mother, for all that you are and in all you are not. I regret the times I’ve made you feel small, because I’ve felt  ...

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When You’re Happy And You (Don’t) Know It…

You look at yourself, and realize that while you were busy entrusting the Universe with your happiness, the Universe, in all its wisdom, had been busy setting up these tests to make sure you can actually implement all that you’ve been observing along the way, and not just being theoretically  ...

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The Barrage. {poetry}

Walls are heavy and impenetrable, while freedom is light as a feather and infinite… yet it can be hard to carry. Maybe because it can lift you like a bird to unimaginable heights and unknown places we otherwise would never reach.

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